Photographic work
Renée Gailhoustet & Jean Renaudie
Lacaton Vassal, Grand Parc & Maison Latapie
Inken Baller & Hinrich Baller
Hans Walter Müller
Floating University
Solo de paso
Caracol, Chiapas, México
An der Urania 4–10
Berlin as a territory rather than a city
Oberweissbacher Lichterfest
Europa City Rollkoffer

Video work
Ghostly Tracks
Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht!
Les Gonflables, une architecture portée par l’air

Ncaittuyre - Symbiotic City

Sebastian Díaz de León (he/him), born in Mexico City, lives in Berlin, where he engages in a spatial practice that intersects architecture, film, and photography. He explores existing structures to envision a socially and climate-just future, addressing contemporary spatial challenges. As part of the collective ufoufo, he co-edited the book "VISITING - Inken Baller & Hinrich Baller" (2022) and contributed to the accompanying exhibitions in Berlin, Hamburg, Kassel, and Zürich. Recent projects from the collective include ABRISSSTOP! (2023), which opposes building demolitions, and IVRY-AFFAIRES (2023), a video installation highlighting the stories of Ivry-sur-Seine's inhabitants. He currently teaches architectural design at Universität der Künste Berlin.

Contact for commissions & inquiries






IVRY–AFFAIRES at group exhibition Under Pressure, Adalbertstr 9 Berlin

Ghostly Tracks, at festival of well beeing, Mäusebunker Berlin

Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht! at hallo kiosk hamburg

IMAGE DE VILLE Festival,carte blanche,Aix en Provence

CONTAMINATIONS, at Climate Care Festival, Floating University, Berlin

Haus der Statistik, Berlin

at Centre Jeanne- Hachette Ivry-sur-Seine, France

Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht! - at Spektakel auf der Autobahn, own your city - urbane praxis woche, Berlin

Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht!
at Delphi Space, Freiburg

Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht! at Kurfürstenstr Berlin


Under Pressure, group exhibition at Adalbertstr 9 Berlin

Visiting Inken Baller & Hinrich Baller, at Architekturforum Zürich

Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht!
at Profitopolis,
Museum der Dinge, Berlin

Visiting Inken Baller & Hinrich Baller
at Kunsthochschule Kassel


Visiting Inken Baller & Hinrich Baller at freie Akademie der Künste Hamburg

ABRISSSTOP/Down with Demolition protest fest, performance, Film screening, Kurfürstenstr. Berlin


Visiting Inken Baller & Hinrich Baller at DAZ Berlin


Les Gonflables at KUNST RAUM STADT Univeristät der Künste berlin

Oberweissbacher Lichterfest at making futures


2023-2025 Lecturer at the chair of Prof. Stéphanie Bru, Universität der Künste Berlin

2020-2023 Lecturer at the chair of Prof. Jean-Philippe Vassal, Universität der Künste Berlin

2017-2020 Tutor at the chair of Prof. Jean-Philippe Vassal, Universität der Künste Berlin

Geschichten gegen Abriss, Vortragsreihe »TOMORROW’S. MENU« Horizonte, Bauhaus Universität Weimar

Lecture and Discussion at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) on Invitation of Anne Lacaton, Madrid (ESP)

curators talk at architekturforum zürich

curators talk at Kunsthochschule Kassel

Guest lecture at UdK Berlin, on invitation by summacumfemma

curators talk at freie akademie der künste hamburg

Visiting Inken Baller & Hinrich Baller, Talk at IEB, TU Braunschweig, Prof. Dan Schürch

curators talk at DAZ


Goethe Institut - visual arts project fund

Berliner Projektfonds Urbane Praxis


Visiting Inken Baller & Hinrich Baller,
Berlin 1966-89.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Franz und Walther König


Kunstforum International Band 301
Zukunftsraum Urbanität 02/2025

Dé­mo­lir?, TRACÉS, Janvier 2025

arte twist (ab min.16:40) 29.09.2024

baunetz campus 30.09.2024
Neue Impulse für ein altes Institutsgebäude: Studio „Fun Palace des Mathématiques“ 01/2024:
ufo ufo - Initiative gegen Abriss

DBZ 02/2023: “Gebauten Raum erforschen“

Baunetz Campus: ”Einige Fragen an“, 07.12.2023: Substanzielles Umdenken ︎︎︎

Taz, 28.11.2023: Abrisspläne in der City West

Bauwelt,  24.2023: Endlich umdenken!︎︎︎ , 20.11.2023: Allianz gegen Abrisse

Tagesspiegel, 16.11.2023: Abriss an der Urania

Berliner Kurier,  16.11. 2023: Streit um Abriss

Berliner Zeitung, 16.11.2023: Umstrittener Abriss

Deutschlandfunk Kultur,  12.11.2023: “Petition gegen
Abriß an der Urania Berlin” ︎︎︎

nd, 9.11.2023: “Kahlschlag in Berlin”

taz, 23.02.2023: Rettet die West Platten↗

Tagesspiegel 22.02.2023: Kunst gegen Abriss↗

rbb abendschau, 10.04.2023: Umweltschonender Stadtumbau gefordert ↗

art in berlin, 03.03.2023: Monopoly goes real↗

dérive N° 87 (Apr - Juni / 2022): »Wir sind die
Architekten für die Situationen, wo die Sonne von unten scheint.« ↗

Tagesspiegel, 04.03.2023: Verdichter der Großstadt↗

Süddeutsche Zeitung, 09.04.2022: Ganz furchtbar überlegt

taz, 12.07.2022: Werkübersicht des Architekten-Duo Baller

monopol magazin, 16.06.2023: Architekten Inken und Hinrich Baller

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingunen


project by ufo ufo (Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux, Sebastian Diaz de León, Florine Schüschke & Lena Löhnert)

3-Channel Video Installation 
9:30 min

In the 1960’s, Ivry-sur-Seine – a south-eastern Parisian suburb– was the theater of a groundbreaking social housing operation, in which architect and urban planner Renée Gailhoustet, together with Jean Renaudie, designed an architecture deeply anchored in socialist values of communal living and social equity. The generous space dedicated in their buildings to urban ecosystems on the many public and private terraces makes it an example of resilient, ecological and foremost deeply social architecture today.

In May 2023, we conducted an artistic investigation in Ivry-Sur-Seine to experience the life of the neighbourhood and its inhabitants, in cooperation with local initiatives Jardin à tous les étages (Ivry) & Arch'Ivry. The research focus was set on the different forms of care that inhabitants are enacting towards the spaces they inhabit. Through workshops, visits, and informal gathering, we collected stories, secrets, and personal experiences of the residents of Ivry, which we wove into three fictional stories that describe everyday – yet unconventional – practices towards this unique architecture. The short-films were shot together with neighbors and interwoven into a 3-channel video installation.

The video installation “Ivry-Affaires” was designed to be projected in public space in the atrium of Centre Jeanne Hachette (Ivry-sur-Seine), where it was shown in September 2023. “Ivry-Affaires” was also shown in Berlin Haus der Statistik in October 2023 and as part of the Under Pressure exhibition in September 2024.

Screening at Haus der Statistik Berlin 
(c) Lucía Gauchat-Schulte
(c) Lucía Gauchat-Schulte
(c) Lucía Gauchat-Schulte
(c) Lucía Gauchat-Schulte
(c) Lucía Gauchat-Schulte
(c) Lucía Gauchat-Schulte
(c) Lucía Gauchat-Schulte
(c) Lucía Gauchat-Schulte
(c) Lucía Gauchat-Schulte

Screening at Centre Jeanne-Hachette Ivry-sur-Seine

During the residency in Ivry-sur-Seine: Encounters with inhabitants, collecting Stories, behind the scenes  

2025 (c) sebastian díaz de león